Buddy uses a standard format for most companies. This standard format ensures compliance with local regulations while prioritising the clarity and transparency of the payslip to the employees.
However, there are variations that a company can implement:
- Our AccuPay™ users can include a Weekly Breakdown Summary (if timesheets are processed per week)
- A compressed view for those who require many items within a payslip
- The option to include the base hourly rate on the payslip
- The option to show the Employer Contributions paid on behalf of the employee.
These settings can be enabled from the Payroll Calculation options:
- Go to Company Settings
- Click on the Payroll Settings tab
- Enable the relevant setting
- Save the Settings
The Weekly Breakdown Summary
When you are using AccuPay™, you have the option to include a weekly breakdown on the payslips issued. This would only apply if you are processing timesheets per week rather than averaging them across a pay period.
By showing the Weekly Breakdown within the payslip, you avoid a tennis back-and-forth between your employees and HR team.
In the screenshot above, you can see an example of the weekly breakdown as seen by the employee within their payslip.
The summary is structured to provide simple yet clear information which empowers employees to understand the breakdown of their wages.
Due to the limitation of space, all payslips with weekly breakdown will automatically be compressed.
Compressed Payslips View
One drawback of having multiple pay items is that the payslip may run out of physical space.
To prevent these, we recommend users who encounter this difficulty to enable the compressed payslips view.
The compressed view retains the same payslip layout, without omitting any details. However, the spacing is adjusted and the font size is reduced to allow more pay items to appear in the payslip.
Attached Sample Payslips
If you are not sure which of these you want to enable in your payslip, take a look at the below sample payslip attachments.