If you have cloud-based Punch Clocks, such as TimeMoto or ZK Teco brands, you can connect these with Buddy. By integrating, you will get live timesheets on Buddy as soon as the employees punch-in or out using the devices.
The setup of this integration requires two main steps:
- Connecting Your Cloud-Based Punch Clock Devices with Buddy
- Setting up the Integration Settings on Buddy
Adding Punch Clocks on Buddy
In the Integrations menu, find either TimeMoto or ZK Teco, and click "Connect".
Once you connect, you can start by adding the Serial Number of your first PunchClock Device.
As soon as you save the Serial Number, you can start editing the settings. These include assigning a name and choosing a Work Location which will be assigned to all timesheets punched from that device.
You can add multiple clocks by clicking Add Clock, and repeat the process until all your devices are stored on Buddy.
Verifying Connectivity
For each saved clock, you will see "Last Punch Clock Entry". This will show you the last time that Buddy got any data from the clock. If there have been no entries, this will appear as "Never".
Custom Punch Clock Settings
For each clock, you can go through custom settings to set automated breaks and roundings
Skip Double Punch In
When enabled, this setting will disregard any double punch-ins to prevent time-entries that are 0 minutes long.
Most punch clocks also offer a more customisable option: Punch Clock Settings: Prevent Double Punches
Automated Breaks
You can add automated breaks for each clock, without requiring your staff to punch-out and back-in for their breaks.
When adding breaks, you can insert two values:
- "Add Break After"; after this many hours in a timesheet, a break will be automatically added
- "Break Length" is the length of the break in minutes.
You can set up multiple breaks if those working longer shifts get larger breaks, for instance.
Round Timesheet (Minutes)
This setting allows Buddy to automatically round timesheets to the nearest x minutes, such as rounding to the nearest 5.
Round Timesheet Time-In
The Time-in rounding is a more advanced setting that prevents time-sheets before the allocated Time-in.
First, select the Time-in that you want to automatically round to (e.g. to 8:00 AM). Then, select during which Weekdays you wish to apply this rounding to.
This setting helps reduce timesheet costs from employees punching in before the start of business day. In the above example, if an employee punches in at 7:59am and another punches in at 7:33am, they would be rounded to 8:00 am.