Payslip Content
The payslip sent by your employer includes all the details for what you are being paid, as well as what sort of deductions (such as taxes and pension funds) are being reduced from your pay. The intention of the payslip is for you, the employee, to understand your pay and acknowledge that you are being paid accurately and fairly.
In this article, we will deal with some common queries to help you understand the payslip without having to ask your managers.
Payslip Sections
It is common that when you receive your payslip, you check your bank account and become happy when you see your balance increase! Trusting your employer to pay you fairly is a great trust to have.
Buddy helps build this trust by providing as much information in the payslip as possible. That's why we would want the employee to fully understand their payslip, without having to ask their managers to explain the pay.
Clicking on any of the below links will take you to an article with detailed information on that specific part of the payslip.
Gross Earnings
- Pension Plans
- Tax
Totals to Date
- Gross
- Taxable Gross
- Tax
- National Insurance
- Take-Home Pay
Leave Balances
- Hours Carried Forward
- Hours Entitled this year
- Hours Consumed
- Hours Remaining
Payslip Queries
Should you still have particular queries regarding your payslip, it would be best to contact your Manager and they will guide you accordingly.