Report Types and Generation
In the reports page, you will notice that each report has an icon on the right-hand side. This dictates the type of report
.xlsx document
These files, marked with an x, are generated when clicked from the reports page using live data.
Their data is determined by the filters and dates selected at the top of the reports page. -
.pdf document
These files are primarily associated with the Pay Period reports. These reports are generated when payroll is concluded successfully; this also applies to tax documents.
This is intentional; for instance, if you are downloading a Bank + Net Report, you may be interested in the issued IBANs/bank details rather than the current data.
One can compare the .pdf with .xlsx reports to validate whether these reports are up-to-date. This is especially useful when payroll is re-opened. If the .pdf reports require to be updated, users can regenerate them from Payroll History's actions.
link icon
These reports are generated in other sections of Buddy. Clicking on these will redirect you to the relevant pages.
Report Sections
In the Reports page, you will find reports segmented into multiple sections, as per screenshot below.
Employee Reports
The employee section includes reports related to employee data, documents, and notes. The primary use of these reports is to download and refer to the combined data of all employees rather than check individual employee profiles.
Pay Period Reports
Pay period reports are payroll-related reports that are limited to a single pay period. Most of these reports are in .pdf format and are also accessible from the Payroll History.
By default, these may look greyed out. To download these, ensure you select a Pay Period in the filters.
Payroll Reports
Payroll Reports are more flexible and provide more detailed breakdown in .xlsx format. One of the advantages of these reports is that you can download payroll data across multiple pay periods, such as for a full year.
When downloading data from multiple periods, each payslip data is reported in a separate row. Use spreadsheet features such as Pivot Tables or Filters to obtain totals or other calculations required by your finance teams.
Leave Reports
The leave reports in the Reports page will redirect to the Leave Management. As these reports require additional input or leave-related filters, check out the respective articles:
Statutory Reports
The Statutory Reports are also redirection to the Tax Forms page. For specific details on the different tax forms and submissions check out: Articles related to Tax Forms
Timesheet Reports
For those using Time and Attendance, the timesheet reports are crucial reports for checking total working hours, as well as process breakdown for those using Process Timesheets.
Journal Reports
The Journal reports will export accounting data based on the Accounting Journal Settings and Rules.