As an advisor, you can create templates to standardise and simplify the creation of new clients. These templates will create overtime rates and allowances based on types pre-set in your Advisory Settings
Creating and Updating Templates
To access templates, go to your Advisor Page > Settings > Payroll
Add Overtime & Special Rates
In the first section, create overtime and special rates that your clients may require. Each rate can be used in more than one template.
Note: Due to current limitations, advanced overtime settings (such as not being eligible for overtime tax) cannot be set at this stage.
Add Allowances
Similarly, you can create as many allowances as you may require. For each allowance, you can set the Type and whether they are Taxable.
These configurations will transfer when applying templates on new clients.
Add Template
In the third section, click the Add Template button.
Give the template a name you and your team can recognise, and select the applicable Overtimes and Allowances.
This is strongly suggested if you have a plan to onboard clients with similar setups or industries.
Applying Templates During Company Creation
When creating new companies, within both the Overtime and the Allowances tab, you will see an option to Apply Template.
Select the applicable template, and Buddy will auto-create allowances based on the selected template.
You can still add additional rates and allowances that are not included in the standard template. You can also hit the red trash can button to delete any saved overtime or allowances and start afresh.
Updating Templates
It is important to note that if any allowances or templates are updated on the Advisory page, this will not auto-update existing clients.
The template is only used when creating new clients, as each allowance is then created independently within that company.