Vacation Leave Balances
On the bottom right of the payslip, you will find the entitlements and balances for the Vacation Leave, which is also referred to as Annual Leave.
The screenshot below shows an example of how this may appear - below you will find an explanation on each value and what they refer to.
Hours Carried Forward
The hours carried forward are those hours that were transferred from the remaining balance of the previous year.
Hours Entitled this year
The hours entitled specifies particularly the amount of hours you are entitled for leave based on this year. For full-timers or part-timers on fixed hours, this should show the annual entitlement for the whole year.
For part-timers who work varying hours, unfortunately, one cannot predict the amount of hours that one should be entitled to. For this reason, the hours entitled will be those generated by the hours worked to date, and this will vary from payslip to payslip.
Hours Consumed
The number of hours consumed refers to the total of Vacation Leave hours you have taken until this payroll. Therefore, this includes the vacation you have taken in the previous months this year.
Hours Remaining
The hours remaining is how much balance you have left to utilise. This is the addition of the carryover and entitlement, then deducting the amount you have already consumed.