General Company Details
The General tab is used to insert fundamental information about the company and government-related settings. Some of the details may appear in legal documents such as payslips and used for FPS submissions to HMRC.
It is recommended that all details are inserted as accurately as possible. Upon any changes, make sure to Save the settings at the bottom of the page.
Company Details
Company details should include official registered details, including business name and PAYE Reference. Companies can also optionally include a Logo, which will appear in payslips.
Advisor Details
If your account is set as a bureau/payroll advisor, you will see a section on whether the company is managed and invoiced by the advisory. For most cases, you would want these options enabled.
Principal Details
The principal details are used for HMRC purposes to identify the main person responsible for the company.
Payroll Jurisdiction
This can only be chosen when setting up the company, but not after it is created.
If this is not set as United Kingdom/UK, then the page setup will look different altogether. In such case, create a new company and ensure the correct jurisdiction is set.
Company Address
The address can be searched by Post Code, or inputted manually.
Insert the Government Gateway ID and Password to connect the Buddy account to HMRC. Without this connection, one would not be able to send FPS submissions.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Should you want to enforce additional security, enable the MFA. See more: What should I know about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?