To create a Grade, go to the Grades page (from the left menu) and click Add New Grade on the top right. You wil l need to fill in the following fields:
- Name: Name of the Grade
- Specify Allowed Roles: If ticked on, when someone is Applied this Grade, you will be enforced to choose one of the Roles you list, reducing the chance for typos and non-standardised role names
Salary Details: These are Salary Details for the grade, similar to Salary Details of employees. Here, you can select applicable Overtime, Hourly Rates or Amounts of recurring allowances.
For more information, check out Employee Salary Details
Once all details are filled in, click Save.
Edit Grade
To edit a grade, go to the Grades page and click the Edit icon on the right hand side of a Grade. A box like the one when adding a grade will show.
Once you've finished editing the grade, click Save to update it.