Release Summary
Today's release notes may be the shortest yet. The majority of changes were done on our backend. This includes an updated infrastructure of our existing integrations and new features for Workforce Integration.
Release Notes
- As mentioned in the Summary, most of the work has been done on the backend. This means there should be no apparent changes for our integration users
- The Workforce integration has been updated with the following features:
- Multi-day leave can now be imported
- Allowances, Overtime Rates and Leave Type can now be mapped to the Workforce payroll export names
- Note that some features have currently only been enabled on the backend for test clients. More updates to the user interface will be done in future updates
Employee Management
- Fix: Our team has reverted a restriction done on the Termination Date. Although our intention was to ensure that termination dates are not added, there are a few valid cases where the termination date can be added after, as long as the dues are still paid.
We have reverted this change temporarily, but will eventually implement it with an updated flow to ensure compliance.
- Fix: Updated the calculation for Deductions to ensure that regardless if the input is negative or positive, the deduction will always be saved as negative
- Fix: For employees working variable hours who only had imported payslips to-date will now have their sick leave balance corrected for sick leave calculation in payroll.
- Update: In the payslip import, the error file will now also display the expected and actual values for the SSC and Maternity when this fails to match.
We hope that this facilitates data migration from legacy payroll software who incorrectly calculate maternity fund contributions.
- Hotfixes: Two hotfixes were released for the .csv timsheet upload, both pertaining to the date format recognised by the browser settings:
- The last day of the import will now be recognised and imported
- The filtering for linking reference codes to employees has been updated to filter out employees only active in the imported dates