Importing Payslips
The Import Payroll History feature is meant for those clients who have added a new company account on Buddy within the fiscal year. Rather than having to calculate the payslips for the full year on Buddy, one can import any issued payrolls by filling in a spreadsheet template and uploading it into Buddy.
Having the payslip data on Buddy is important for two main reasons:
- For Buddy to calculate the correct taxes for future payslips issued through Buddy
- For you to have FS3s and End-of-Year Tax Documents that include all employees and all payroll periods
Buddy's import payroll process also has SSC and MFC validation inputted. This is done so that the FS3 data is stored accurately on Buddy right away, and this will prevent submission errors you would have otherwise encountered during the end-of-year submission procedure.
Step-by-Step Process
- Go to Payroll History
- On the bottom left, click Import Payroll History
- A box will pop-up, as seen in the screenshot below
- Download Template
- Fill in the data within the template (look below for more information about this)
- Click on Upload File and select your file
- Finally, click on Start Import
Screenshot outlying the pop-up box for downloading the template and uploading the file.
Required Fields
- ID Number OR Name
- Pay Schedule
- Pay Period (this is in numerical format)
- E.g. if you do payroll monthly, the January pay period would be 1, February would be 2 and so on
- Year
- Base Salary
- Basic Hours
- Net Salary
- Employer SSC
- Employee SSC
- Maternity
- Weeks not worked ( if applicable )
Non-Required Fields
Not all fields are required. Fields like the SSC Category and Weekly Wage will be calculated automatically through Buddy, based on the existing settings. However, if you are having difficulty importing due to validation, you could insert the Weekly Wage to overwrite the one calculated by Buddy. Several fields, like Tax and Allowances, can also be left empty if these were in fact non-utilised.
Do note that when importing, you will overwrite any payslips already imported or issued for that period. Therefore, if you have imported payslips and would like to update these, you can simply re-upload the file to overwrite the previous payslips.
Validation Warnings and Errors
Buddy will do its best to validate the data that you are importing. In case you have any warning or error, please refer to the Validation FAQ here: Validation Errors When Importing Payslips
Special Attention for Overtime Tax
To separate income between main income and overtime income, make sure to input overtime income and tax separately:
- Only include Overtime values if these were taxed at an overtime rate (15%)
- If not, please allocate these to pre-tax
- Insert Overtime Tax if this was deducted
- If not, it is recommended to leave as an empty (blank) value rather than 0