Previous Earnings
Previous earnings are dated on the year of engagement; these values report the income and tax paid by the employee in previous employment.
Totals to Date
For accounts being migrated onto Buddy mid-year, instead utilise the Totals to Date section.
The best way to add this data is by Importing Totals to Date via FPS Importation, using the original submission files.
Please note that if you are uploading these in any other way, make sure that the Payroll ID on Buddy matches that on the previous system, as any differences can cause incorrect submissions to HMRC.
The values within the Totals to date sections include totals relating to tax amounts, student loans, statutory payments, pension contributions, and NICable income.
Effective Year
When saving Totals to Date for the first time, you will be asked to select the tax year. This ensures that users can select the current year, regardless of the Engagement year, as presented in the Previous Earnings.