Reconciling HMRC Year-To-Date Figures
When migrating payroll to a new system, you may find that the HMRC dashboard does not match the data you expect.
Our team has crafted a checklist for you to go through to help identify common instances.
- Check all the Payroll IDS on Buddy and confirm they are an exact match to your previous software.
The Payroll ID can be checked individually from People > (Employee) > Personal tab, or from the Employee Data Report in the Reports section.
This will ensure that HMRC did not attempt/create duplicate records for your employees.
- Check each employee’s records to ensure that the previous employment details for taxable and nicable values match those on the FPS/ P11 reports from the previous software.
This will ensure that everything tallys up with transferring mid-tax year between both systems.
See: Previous Earnings and Totals to Date
- Also, when checking each employee's people records, ensure they have the correct NIC Category assigned to them.
Ensure you have entered in the recoverable figures for the tax year and submitted the EPS as appropriate for any credits.
Check Migrating EPS Data Mid-year for further information on adding EPS data during migration.
- Complete a full HMRC/ PAYE reconciliation for the tax year.
This can be done on spreadsheets (such as Excel) by checking the FPS/P30 reports for each month and doing this as a comparison-type report.
You should be comparing month by month (tax, NIC, EES, ERS, etc) from the figures held on the HMRC PAYE gateway to those submitted through payroll.
- If you have corrected totals to dates or other data, most of this will be automatically corrected within the next FPS.
You may also contact the HMRC and ask for their 'Year to date' figures for the full year as opposed to individual months to compare with your year amounts if you need to perform further checks.
Certain difficulties may require you to resolve them based on instruction of HMRC or raising a dispute on the figures.
- An extra part to consider is asking an employee/ or checking your own if applicable in creating your own personal gateway to ensure that your earnings to date for the employment have been reported correctly. Here is the link to share on creating a personal PAYE gateway:
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