Why Extra Days?
Employees who are paid on a monthly basis are paid 173.33 hours per month. In 12 months, they are paid for 2080 hours.
In some years, like 2024, employees have 262 working days (Monday to Friday), amounting to 2096 hours.
Based on regulations and instructions from the DIER, this suggests that employees require an extra payment for two days if:
- they are working Monday to Friday
- they are paid on a monthly basis
- they were employed for the full-year
This may depend on the contract clauses, and whether these include for additional hours, as these might be already covered within that average.
How to Pay the Extra Days on Buddy
Due to numerous limitations, the allocation of these extra days is up to the company to add. There are numerous reasons why employees may not be given these extra payments, such as:
- the employer already pays them for the exact hours worked
- they work on shift schedules that are not easily defined by the standard working hours
Thus, the best methodology, rather than being forced to pay this for all employees, you may use the Bulk Upload Allowances using a .Csv Sheet feature to add an allowance.
Obtaining ID Numbers and Hours to Pay
To best obtain the ID numbers of eligible employees, go to the Reports section and download the Employee Data report.
Filter those employees whose engagement date is from 1st January 2024 or before. Filter also for those who are working fixed-hours (e.g. full-time).
Once the data is filtered, use the following columns:
- ID Number
- Weekly Hours
- Hourly Rate
Filling in the Upload Allowance Template
To convert the data into an actual allowance, first, determine what allowance to use. You may either use an existing or generic allowance (e.g. pre-tax) or create a custom one.
This can be either of type Cash, if you prefer to add the amount as a total, or Hourly if you want to insert hours at the basic rate.
Copy the ID Number from the filtered employee report.
If you are using an hourly allowance, calculate the equivalent of 2 days for employees (e.g. working hours divided by 5 days, multiplied by 2 days). Insert that in the allowance sheet.
Alternatively, if you are using a Cash allowance, instead calculate the amount based on the hours and the multiplier rate. This also allows you to include any additional allowances above the hourly rate, should you decide to pay them.
Once done, import the allowances in the Run Payroll page. For more information, see: Bulk Upload Allowances using a .Csv Sheet