Net Salary
A net salary is when you want the employee to receive the same amount as the take-home pay (e.g. €1600 a month). In these cases, Buddy adds an allowance called Net Pay Adjustment on the payslip that is equal to the automatic FSS and SSC deductions. This method ensures a consistency in weekly wage, SSC payments as well as take-home pay.
Bonuses and Allowances added to the payslip are still given over and above the basic salary and are also paid in net amounts.
Setting Salary as Net Salary
To set a salary as a net salary, you can do this while adding or editing an employee:
- Go to Salary Details
- Tick the Net Amount check box (see image below).
- Remember to Save by pressing on Update Salary (Bottom right)
Net Pay Example
An example is shown in the image below for an employee with €1600 net salary every month. The Net Pay Adjustment becomes equal to the SSC and FSS deductions so that the net pay is equivalent to that of the basic pay.