After calculating payroll, leave entries might sometimes need to be adjusted.
For correct and compliant calculation purposes, once the payslip has been calculated, the leave entry will be shown as 'Already Paid'
How to edit a leave entry that is showing as paid?
The Leave entry is showing as paid as the payslip has been calculated. You will need to follow the below steps to be able to amend the leave entry accordingly.
Assuming that the leave entry was marked as paid within the most recent payroll
- If Payroll is concluded, Go to Payroll History
- Edit the Relevant Payroll
- Reopen Payroll
- Find and click on Edit for the relevant employee.
(The leave entry is then no longer marked as paid) - Go to Leave Management
- Find and Edit the Leave accordingly.
Be sure to calculate the payslip and conclude the payroll accordingly once it is finalised.
The Leave is Marked as Paid but it's not Linked to the Payslip
There is a possibility that the leave was added after the payslip was saved. If it's marked as paid, this is most likely linked to a payslip in a following payroll.
Before editing a payslip, ensure that the following payrolls are re-opened, and that the employee's payslips are unsaved.
- Re-open all following Payrolls
- In each payroll, Click Edit on the employee's payslip.
- Do NOT save the payslip again. Keep it as is.
- Return to the original Payroll
- Click Edit on the employee's payslip
- If you need to make edits to the leave application, do these now (as per previous section)
- Return to the Original payroll
- Click Calculate & Save
- Click Preview to see if the leave is now linked correctly to the payslip. If not, check the leave and see if it's marked as paid and check again the above steps.
- Once the preview is correct, you can proceed to Conclude Payroll
- Then, Calculate & Save and Conclude following payrolls