The superpower of integrating Buddy with Workforce is that Importing timesheets becomes simply a matter of a few clicks.
Import Timesheets
- While on Buddy, go on the Timesheets page
- Select the dates for the period range
Please note that any period ranges larger than a month will automatically fail as they are not allowed. - Click Import from Workforce
- Notice Import Successful Notification
Once the import is successful, you will receive a notification on the top right
If you notice a missing employee in the timesheets, kindly check that the employee is linked to Workforce.
Force update of roundings and breaks in Workforce as per rules defined in Buddy.
Users can now choose to enforce the rounding and break rules past 24 hours when importing timesheets. Please note that this requires more data and time, so it's suggested to only be used for shorter date periods or, ideally, only when filtering a single employee.
In addition, we recommend to re-importing (without forcing updates) after the values on Workforce has changed to ensure that the latest changes are re-imported.